The Jul-Sep 2020 issue of the LPS Journal has been shipped and is available for members under the Journal tab.
The Jul-Sep 2020 issue of the LPS Journal has been shipped and is available for members under the Journal tab.
The Apr-Jun 2020 issue of the LPS Journal has been shipped and is available for members under the Journal tab.
The Jan-Mar 2020 issue of the LPS Journal is in the mail and is available under the Journal tab of this site.
It should be on the Journal page for download soon.
The Jul-Sep 2019 LPS Journal is now available to members under the Journal tab.
The Apr-Jun 2019 issue of the LPS Journal has been mailed and will be available under the Journals tab soon!
The Liberian Philatelic Society will be meeting at APS Stampshow 2019, Omaha, NE, August 1-4, 2019.
I will update this post as new information becomes available.
Hope to see you there!
The latest issue of the LPS Journal has been sent and is now available on the Journal page.
The latest issue of the LPS Journal went in the mail today. You should be receiving it soon and it should be on the Journal page very shortly.
The latest issue of the LPS Journal went in the mail yesterday. It should be on the Journal page very shortly.